30 March 2025

About Us


Copywriting for better documentation and support 



a symbol (*) used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter.

Asterisies is a play on words for the term of multiple asterisks. Annotations, description, expressions for omitted matter; this is what we do best. 

Documentation rarely gets the love it deserves, yet it’s one of the most important tools for your clients. After all, who want’s to go back and review the first chapter of a book when you are working on the middle and end. 

  • Does your development team find documentation a chore and put in only the minimal effort?
  • When was the last time you reviewed your getting started documentation from the perspective of a new user?
  • Do your tutorials zip to the end, or do you include detailed screen captures and code snippets showing the process? 

At Asterisies, we believe our goal is to make your documentation, articles, tutorials, code snippets, technical support, and troubleshooting documents more user friendly and take the burden off your support team. 


Cody Tolmasoff

Programmer / Writer / Teacher

“A serious passion for creating compelling and supportive documentation.”

Over the past 20 years in his career as a programmer, Cody always made time to teach part-time. His favorite experience was teaching programming to designers at the College of San Mateo for over a dozen years. 

Having the chance to talk about the language and tools he worked with daily gave him the opportunity to grow as a developer. Answering questions from different perspectives brought a broader perspective on what he did daily.

After a round of layoffs in his previous position as Senior Creative Technologist at an online ad platform, Cody pivoted his efforts to focus on writing and move away from the continuous cycle of the production environment. 

I want to focus my time writing creatively about how things work. 

Having spent years writing and revising curriculum and labs for community college classes, where he was teaching programming techniques to designers, his skill set was a perfect compliment to technical writing. 

Cody can simultaneously see the perspective from the point of view of a first time user and write to meet their needs. Yet, also understand what a busy programmer needs to get up to speed quickly without a lot of filler content getting in the way. 

Good documentation isn’t based on its length. It’s about how quickly it can get your audience comfortable with your product, adapt it to their needs, and get on with their task at hand. 

With a degree in Multimedia, Cody will find new and interesting ways to connect your ideas and support your users. He’s trained teams and written documentation for teams at Hulu, T-Mobile, Charles Schwab, and for many other corporations.

See Cody’s 2021 Resume