30 March 2025

Finding The Right Approach

Shaping the information you share

We can learn anything with the right approach.
The right approach isn’t the same for everyone. Sometimes you need multiple tactics.

Do you need:

  • an article
  • technical documentation
  • courseware
  • a screencast
  • something else?
We start with breaking a topic down into simple ideas. Then we figure out how to bring those ideas together, to build a more in-depth understanding in this first step.
Striving to create situations to minimize context switching, taking time to review concepts in playful and engaging ways, reviewing topics in a non-tedious way, and create examples that are useful in real-world applications is the next thing we look at.
Identifying topics to investigate with a deep dive, and finding the right medium for that discussion is the next step.
Repeating these steps to create a library of content to flesh out topics and ideas.
Finally, finding a logical way to structure topics to build a course of study. Reviewing topics, approaches, expanding on areas that need a little more attention.
This is our approach to learning, and it’s only the beginning.
Teaching and getting feedback and questions from students learning from the materials produced, fine-tuning the content and expanding it to fit the needs of your audience.
What story does your article / documentation / lesson / screencast / class tell?

Every procedure has a story. Is your documentation compelling?